Kashmir Issue

admin on 2022-09-22


Kashmir was always viewed as a piece of heaven on earth since the world recognized it. More recently it’s been viewed as the most dangerous place for human life to dwell on Earth. The basic premise behind the Kashmir issue is that Pakistan, whenever gets the opportunity, highlights the problem of Kashmir, i.e. it raises the question on the disputed matter of Kashmir extended since India-Pakistan partition. Moreover, it continues to question the basic premise on which India based its right to assassinate Kashmir. Thesis writing help in Pakistan well explained about several Kashmir issues from which few are added in this article.

Kashmir has been an unresolved territory since 1997, the political disputes and drastically opposing religious orientations have left the people of Kashmir uncertain regarding their lives, their families and their future as a nation. The issue of ruling the country, i.e. whether Muslims will rule or Hindus or secular politicians should rule the preoccupied Kashmir, has put on hold the decision to give Kashmir an identity of its own or what they favour the most. Pakistan has persistently raised its voice internationally, spoke on several platforms, and provided the facts and figures to explain the severity of the situation. Directly contacted the UN resolution to closely look into the matter and intervene to provide the Kashmiris with their basic human rights by clearing their status as a nation. On the other hand, India highly objects to Pakistan’s take on Kashmir and considers revoking Article 370 to be legal on their behalf as final and utterly unquestionable. They justify their decision by providing reasons for cross-border terrorism, Unemployment, and misgovernance. To silence the upsurge of Kashmiri people in the freedom struggle with the heavily armed presence, evident from the attack of Pulwama, India revoked Article 370.

Moreover, apart from India-Pakistan’s own internal conflicts, India’s doesn’t support Pakistan’s stance on conquering the Kashmir territories, unilaterally in the greater region and changing the structure of the government of Azad Kashmir. India protested the change, but Pakistan’s PM warned of a greater risk of war following the political and armed activities escalation, i.e. August 5.  Hence, the revoked Article 370 of the Indian constitution resulted in more severe hampering of any chances of slightest hope left for the restoration of the peace between New Delhi and Islamabad.

India considers the Kashmir issue as their internal matter; the consequences are that Kashmir would remain as the bone of contention between the two nations. It cannot be envisioned that there will be a peaceful dialogue exchange regarding Kashmir Issue solely, without putting their own personal issues on the table. Moreover, it several times also violated U.N Security Council resolution provides a shred of evidence that the war between two Nuclear powers could occur which would result in massive destruction of not only these two countries but would also leave its horrible impacts on the entire region. The current outcome could also result in complications of other long-held disputes between India and Pakistan. On the other hand, the refugees’ movement from India to Pakistan can also increase, influencing interaction and relations. The trade relations between the countries could also get tensed. In short, the focus can be shifted from settling the dispute of Kashmir to complicating the already worsen relationships between India and Pakistan.

Concluding all the aspects and points, it could be generated that if the current situation stayed the same for a longer period of time, the chances are that it would either exhaust the resources of Indian forces and resulting in them evacuating the region. On the other hand, after a certain point of suppression, Kashmiri’s themselves would continue fighting and sacrificing their lives until they get freedom or they get to remember as the massacred nation, once existed on the earth.